
Celtx simultaneous dialogue
Celtx simultaneous dialogue

celtx simultaneous dialogue

Fixed: listenerportrait sequencer keyword. Fixed: DialogueManager.ConversationHasValidEntry bug when evaluating mix of group nodes whose children's Conditions are all false and non-group nodes. Fixed: DialogueSystemTrigger.RunLuaCode no longer sets ActorIndex incorrectly for actors with DialogueActor components on a child GameObject. Fixed: If partipant had DialogueActor component, CharacterInfo.nameInDatabase was incorrectly set to display name. Fixed: Conversation actors configured to show subtitles in bark UIs that wait for sequence to end now correctly wait for sequence. Fixed: If game paused on same frame that sequencer command sent message that another command was listening for, listener wouldn't receive message. Fixed: Dialogue System Trigger > Stop on trigger exit / too far now works with simultaneous conversations. Improved: DontDestroyGameObject workaround for Unity issue with hidden objects. Improved: SpawnedObjectManager now accepts SpawnedObjectList assets for easier organization of spawned object prefabs. Improved: PositionSaver can now specify a target GameObject instead of saving its own GameObject's position.

celtx simultaneous dialogue

Improved: Added amesToWaitBeforeSaveDataAppliedEvent added SpawnedObjectList asset type. Improved: StringAsset text area now expands to accommodate large text passages. Improved: ExtraDatabases methods are now virtual.

celtx simultaneous dialogue

Improved: If StandardUISubtitlePanel Accumulate Text is ticked, can now set Max Lines after which older lines will be culled. Improved: Added Use Range Colors checkbox to Standard UI Selector Elements. Improved: Added Prevent Restart On Same Frame Ended checkbox to Dialogue System Trigger > Start Conversation action.

Celtx simultaneous dialogue code#

Improved: Dialogue System Trigger Run Lua Code action sets "Actor" and "ActorIndex" variables before running code. Improved: Dialogue System Trigger can now set two quest entry states. Improved: Dialogue System Trigger > Conditions can now check quest entry conditions. Changed: Audio/AudioWait() sequencer commands by default no longer print warning if audio clip not found set Sequencer.reportMissingAudioFiles to enable warnings. Changed: Sequencer ->Message(x) syntax now sends message only to current sequencer, not all active sequencers. Added: Unity Localization package integration.

Celtx simultaneous dialogue